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Want to be featured in the Omnia Spotlight?

We love to showcase our Clients and Partners (Associations, Referring Reps, Resellers) in our monthly Client newsletter and our quarterly Partner and industry-specific communications.

If you'd like to be featured please let us know! We love hearing success stories, testimonials, anecdotes of how The Omnia Assessment has enhanced or improved long-standing processes, and how The Omnia Assessment and the Omnia Team has helped identify new methods that help individuals, teams, and whole companies improve hiring, retention, communication, leadership and more.

Current partners, have you heard about our new subscription service?

Contact your Account Exec or call 800-525-7117

Future partners, are you interested in learning how to develop and maintain the top team through peaks and valleys like 2020? 

Contact us here or call 800-525-7117

Or maybe you want to be featured in our Partner Spotlight or discuss potential collaborations?

Complete the form >>>

We want to feature our partners and highlight how working together can improve your hiring, retention, and bottom line!


*Not yet an Omnia Client or Partner but want to see how The Omnia Group may help? Contact us here or call 800-525-7117 today!

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